Friday, January 22, 2010

Operation Stay Awake

So... since my surgery (and especially since the kids have gone back to school) I have either
a. slept in until 10 a.m. OR
b. taken a nap at some point during the day. 

I know, I know... this is to be expected.  I had major surgery.  I am still recovering.

However, I am (if everything looks good at the doctor on Monday- cross your fingers!) going back to work on Tuesday... and I don't think that I will be allowed to come in at noon after sleeping all morning OR  be allowed to lay down under my desk around 2 p.m. and take a little nap.  So... in my attempt to get things back to normal, I figured I needed to start trying to stay awake all day and get back into a routine.  Now, a smart person probably would have started that earlier than today, but hey, I never claimed to be smart....

Operation Stay Awake was my attempt today to get up with the kids and stay up all day without napping.  I started the day by working on Shutterfly some more.  (My pics are updated, I am now working on some old photos from 2005 AND working on the family yearbooks from 2008 and 2009.)  I have to admit, I love Shutterfly and I enjoy getting caught up on my photos.  I really get a sense of accomplishment by keeping this site updated.

Then I wrote a post for this here blog about overreacting to the rain....

Next, I made pie.  Peach pie AND cherry pie.  My dear friend Margie lost her husband this week, and the folks from work are providing some of the food for at her house after the funeral... thus the pies.  (I also baked brownies last night... yummy!)  Forgot to take photos though... sorry!

Then came laundry.  (Laundry seems to be NEVERENDING these days.  I think it's because we are wearing winter clothes and they take up more room...)  About this time, I decided that I *might* like to lay down for a little while, but I hung in there and stuck with it.....

A shower was next (no photos... I know you are bummed about that, but hey, a girl's gotta leave something to the imagination right?).

I took the pies into work and then met Joe for lunch at Charlston's.  Ohhh... heaven.  Have you ever had their croissants?  Out of this world.  Their soup on Friday is Clam Chowder too.... let me tell you what, that was one good lunch.

Next was grocery shopping (oh wait, I had one *little* stop before that... Dress Barn was having a 'Closing This Location' sale and everything was 85% off.  So I stopped in.  Got a pair of dress pants for $3, a top for $4 and a top for $2).  Okay, back on track to groceries..  I had found 6 or 7 new recipes I wanted to try, so I took my list and hit Super Target for a major grocery run. 

Home then...and the desire for a nap was HUGE.  I hung in there though... unloaded the groceries and started cooking.  First two recipes out of the gate were Spicy Shrimp on Twice Baked Potatoes (Paula Dean) and Big-Batch Jambalaya (Taste of Home).  We had the Spicy Shrimp for dinner tonight and we'll have the Jambalaya this weekend and Joe will have leftovers for lunch next week.

So, now, it's 9:00.  And I'm goin' to bed.  'Cause Operation Stay Awake is OVAH.  :)
Night all.

PS  Think I can do it again tomorrow?  :)


Amanda said...

Dinner looks AMAZING! :) And don't worry about the nap thing. I took a nap every single day over winter break and adjusted just fine. Work is fast paced, lots of variety, not much time to think about being tired.

For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...

The meals look great! hmmmm....what will I make for dinner tonight?

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I love that you took a break from your daily "to stay awake" list for a little shopping. What better way to recover?!

I hope you feel better soon; I've been tired all the time, and I don't have surgery as a very valid excuse. It's just the time of the year, I guess!

Confessions From A Working Mom