I know. I know. I have neglected you lately my dear little blog. Please know that this neglect was not in vain- I have been very busy....
Busy filling this*adorable* box with goodies for my sister-in-law Vanessa and my new little niece Cora (who should make her grand entrance sometime next month) because we will be 'showering' them with happiness and gifts this weekend.....
Busy glittering letters and digging through all my scrapbooking stuff to help Mr. Colin get ready for his 'Star of the Week' next week (which was thankfully postponed from the week that I had my surgery because his teacher is awesome!)\
Busy helping Julia with the math from this book... she's raised $145 in pledges for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for completing these math problems in her free time. (So proud of her dedication and desire to help others...)
Busy making this lovely wall art for Julia's room. (The idea came from this blog... and just for reference, I did hand embroider it and the level of cuteness really is about 1,495,282. By the way, I'm dying to make another one of these... anybody interested? You buy the supplies, I'll supply the labor! I will have to post a picture of this hanging later... it is cuter than this photo shows!)
Busy challenging my husband to round after round of this game.... (ah... Dominion. Thanks to Mom and Steve for this LOVELY Christmas present....)
Busy ordering photos to fill this photo frames in my house from our AMAZING photo session with this wonderful lady earlier this year.... (you know your session was amazing when you spend 3 hours trying to decide just which photos to order...)
Busy LOVING my new photos over my fireplace mantle (again.. from this AMAZING photographer... but really busy trying to figure out what else to put on the mantle to balance everything out...)
Busy trying to decide just WHAT to do with the 'art' area of my house (because the current state of things just cannot be... this is one of the few areas left to 'muck' out... suggestions are WELCOME!)
Busy trying to figure out just what I want to do with this awesome wreath before I hang it by my front door (I'm thinking hanging it from just a simple ribbon, no bow.. just a loop... and don't ask me why blogger INSISTS on rotating this photo, but it does...)
Busy trying to gather the courage to start this project (because I love it soooo much and I simply don't want to do anything to ruin it....)
Oh, and yeah, busy taking*more* of these... since my return to work last week lasted all of ONE DAY before I ended up with a serious case of strep and two and half days off of work.. (I think my immune system just might be a *little* off... and this means I'm back to really low energy too, which is really disappointing to me....)
So, I am sorry my dear blog. I promise that I will be better this week... that I will write more, post more, picture more, and keep you more up to date... (after I sleep and rest a little more...)
Night all-
PS What else haven't I been busy doing? Ah... well... these haven't been on my feet in 8 weeks (and I can sure tell by the way my pants fit ... or don't fit as the case may be....)
3 months ago
So I guess as an update to your last post, you have been able to stay awake, huh???
That is an amazing number of projects. I have to ask about your daughter's "math fundraiser"-- I've never heard of it, how does it work? Who donates the money? You? Her school?
Confessions From A Working Mom
Glad you're on the up-and-up....hopefully! Mantle - my sister-in-law has beautiful colored candles resting in glass goblet things with some of those clear, flat marbles - it adds a little height and color. Man - I feel like I have no projects next to yours!!!
I love LOVE love your canvas!!!
Love it.
Nicely done and with my fave color too!!!
thanks for sharing.
happy day!
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