Do you all remember my New Year's Resolution? Live more, stress less? Stay in the moment? Live life to it's fullest....
Well, truthfully been having a really hard time with that resolution during the past few days- even though I've gotten lots of reminders that that is ABSOLUTELY what I MUST do...
Seems that every time I turn a corner I hit a wall. Multiple family situations that I simply cannot understand no matter how much I try (to understand it OR change it), work that is PILING up while I am on leave (and my general nagging feeling that maybe, just maybe, this isn't the job for me anymore?), a darling daughter who gets frustrated so easily (gee, wonder where she gets that from?), medical bills that just seem to appear out of nowhere (especially when we thought we finally had it all paid).... it all seems to overwhelm me at times. And I get lost in all of that 'stuff' (this is a family blog or you KNOW what word I really would be using...) and I forget to remember my resolution. I forget to cherish my moments. I forget to take my daily picture. And I get lost.
A dear friend lost her husband several days ago to cancer. He started feeling poorly around the time that Joe had his blood clot. And now he is gone. Another family member has found out some health news that is not good (not life threatening, but yet, not good). And I know that I need to look at those events, support those that need supporting, and use them as reminders to appreciate all that I have- all that I have been given- and to (just like the darn resolution says) live life to its fullest.
But it's been a dark few days my friends and I'm having a hard time doing that. So, I'm putting it out there that I've had a hard time for the last few days. And now I'm MOVING ON. Because tomorrow... tomorrow just has to be better. 'Cause I resolved it. And I gotta do it.
Night all.
3 months ago
Hey, if you need anything -- like Evil Aunt and Uncle Kid Removal Services For A Few Hours -- let us know! We're family, we want to help!
I hate it when you feel like you're drowning - I hope you feel better. I know it might seem silly, but it helps me to take a minute and look at the sky - helps me get the big picture and an eternal perspective.
Praying for you! Have you ever considered staying home for a few years? It's not exactly stress free, but it definitely allows you to appreciate your family! Before long the kids will be heading to college and you'll never regret being there and spending MORE time together. :)
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