The kids got their report cards for second quarter this week. I have to say that I was VERY proud of both of them. They are working hard and it shows from what their teachers have to say about them.
The tradition in our family is that we do something special if the kids get good report cards. I don't believe in paying kids for grades, but I do believe in celebrating a job well done. If Joe or I get a promotion or have a good review at work, we often all go out and celebrate. Since I view school as our kids' version of work... I want to celebrate them as well. Our 'something special' has been all kinds of different things during the past few years....
So, of course, as we are talking about the report cards over dinner, the topic of what their 'something special' would be came up. And Colin jumped on it RIGHT AWAY. He was very clear that what he would like to do is go to the Lego store. And could we go right now? Tonight? As soon as dinner is over? (Julia didn't really have an idea of what she wanted to do... and she still doesn't. She tried telling me she could just take the money, but I explained that it doesn't work that way... and she's been thinking ever since. I can't wait to see what she dreams up!)
After crushing his little heart and letting him know that we couldn't go RIGHT NOW... I told him that we would try to fit it in later in the week.. which we did on Tuesday night (not bad- just had to wait one night). The funny thing is that I had figured that I would take Colin and Julia to the mall to hit the Lego store and give Joe a night off (he's had A LOT of kid responsibility lately as I have recovered and I figured he could really use a night to himself) but he REALLY didn't want to miss the Lego store either, so he met us at the mall so he and Colin could shop.
And shop they did. Colin started by just wandering around for about 20 minutes and looking at everything. They have these great displays with little round windows that you can look into- right at kid height. Colin really enjoyed looking at those. His favorite part of Legos is the guys.. so he enjoyed checking out what the guys were doing in each different window. Here he is, checking it out....
Then, Colin got a 4 inch by 4 inch 'fill your own' container (the real purpose for being there!). Bascially, this is just a container that you pay a flat fee for ($7.99) and you get to fill it from the Lego wall within the store. I don't think the Lego corporation plans on people like our family with this deal. Joe worked with Colin to pack the Legos in the most efficient way so Colin could get the largest number of Legos for his money. It took them OVER AN HOUR to fill this little container. Colin would talk with Joe about what he could build with each different piece. Then Colin would think and decide if he wanted some of that piece. Then Colin would need to decide how many he needed. Then he would give them to Joe and Joe would pack them in the container. It was great to watch... and I love seeing how Colin's brain is working these days. Here are my two guys at the Lego wall....
Obviously I was running around taking pictures while all of this was going on- that and talking to the sales people. What was Julia doing you ask? Well... take a look and see. :)
Colin also took some of his Christmas money and bought a Lego shaped container to hold some of his prized Legos in. It is pretty cool looking- has two layers inside that are divided into compartments, a handle and the little Lego prongs that stick up out of the top actually unscrew to create 6 little compartments. (I'm sure this will be showing up in a photo soon....) Now, this is right up Colin's alley... he spent tonight packing Legos to take with him when he sees his cousin Gundry (and yes, it took him OVER AN HOUR to select the Legos for his container at home too!). Gotta love that kid!
Overall, a great trip for all involved. I'll keep you updated if Miss Julia ever decides what she would like her 'special something' to be...
Night all.
3 months ago
Love this! You can never have too many. Our lego collection is tiny right now...but I am hoping to see it grow. Glad you are getting back into the swing of things.
Your visits to my blog and your comments have totally made my week! Thank you!
O.K. - where is the Lego store?????? That looks SO FUN!!! ANd, Julia should pick a trip to the book store :) (we love those!)
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