Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Good, The Better, and The Ugly

Joe found a recipe for cinnamon almonds here (one of our FAVORITE treats that we usually buy at places like the fair or the pumpkin patch) and we decided to give them a try tonight.  They are good... but next time we make them (and there WILL be a next time...) we'll double or triple the cinnamon to bring out that flavor a little more.  You can make these with stuff that you have in your pantry!

Recently, the kids haven't been overly interested in listening to stories.  Julia is reading pretty difficult chapter books and feels like she never has enough time to read, so she often wants to dive back into her book before she goes to bed at night.  Colin reads to me every night as part of his homework, and then I would maybe read him a story... but before the holidays it got to the point that he was reading chapter books as well and he usually wanted to keep reading his book, rather than switch to another book.  I didn't think that much about this... it happened pretty gradually... and as normal... life just changed.  For Christmas, Joe and I gave the kids the entire set of Harry Potter books as a present.  On Sunday night, I made a point of setting aside some special time to start reading the first book to them. And they were HOOKED from day one!  And suddenly they are interested and excited about having me read to them again... which made me realize how much I had missed it.  It also made me realize that the time for Momma to read to her kiddos is probably waning... which is making this time where they are so excited about it very special to me.  I've realized that I need to treasure my time reading with them each night- their little bodies cuddled up to mine (well, except for Julia who is holding a tissue in the big gap in her mouth where her tooth had just came out... I can talk so lovingly about our life... but pictures tell the true story!)

Julia and I bought this amaryllis about 3 weeks before Christmas.  For weeks it did NOTHING.  Then it grew about an inch.  Then it bloomed.  When the plant was only like two inches tall.  And it only bloomed on one side.  Amaryllis fail.  Seriously... who can mess up a bulb that comes preplanted?  Apparently ME!

Have a wonderful evening everyone...

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