Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

Had a wonderful weekend... got to celebrate with all of the 'fathers' in our lives.

Spent Friday night at Jason and Paige's house with Randi, Joel and Mason as well as Suze (Joe's aunt), and the guest of honor, Poohbah (Joe's dad). Celebrated Poohbah's birthday as well as Father's Day with Carolina's Mexican food and cherry chip cake (his favorite). Good times were had by all... got a great photo of Poohbah with the grandkids... will post that later. Overall, the evening was pleasant... and it was great to see Asher, Gundry and Paige ONE MORE TIME before they left for the Vineyard. They scooted out on Saturday early morning and have safely arrived to enjoy their 8 weeks away! Also great to see Great Auntie Suze... she definitely is not enough of a presence in our lives nowadays, and we would love to see more of her.

Saturday brought the Woodard side of the family. Mom (Joe's mom), Grandpa Steve (Joe's step-dad), Uncle Mike (Joe's half brother), Aunt Vanessa (Mike's wife), Aunt Bic (Joe's half sister Vicky), Uncle Eric (Bic's significant other), Uncle Jason (odd to have just Uncle Jason) and GG (Joe's grandmother Miriam). Everyone came to our house for burgers and dogs and a little swimming. Colin had a FANTASTIC time playing with Uncle Mike (read roughhousing..) until Uncle Mike's glasses were broken (sorry about that Uncle Mike!). Both kids had great fun in the pool with Uncle Mike and Daddy as well. Wrapped up the evening with a yummy, yummy chocolate cake baked by Aunt Vanessa as well as the chocolate martini ice cream that Paige made for me before she left. It was a chocolate-palooza and I FULLY enjoyed myself. That chocolate martini ice cream is OUT OF THIS WORLD!! Got some nice birthday loot (we celebrated birthdays- Steve, Mom and myself...) - lots of Harlen Coben books as well as some other desired items. Again.. have pic will post later! Everyone stayed until after midnight... just hanging and talking. We went the whole range of topics from parenting to the Grand Canyon hike to politics. Talked with Bic and Eric about engagement.. (think this might be coming really soon!) as well as tattoos (I'm seriously considering one of my own!)

Wrapped up the weekend on Sunday. Kids and I made breakfast in bed for Daddy, then headed over to Nana and Papa's house for a swim and to celebrate Aunt Stacy's birthday. Hanging with Uncle Andrew (my brother) and Aunt Stacy was fun, and kids had a great time in the pool with Papa and Daddy. Again, the topper of the day was dessert... apple and lemon meringue pies created by Nana as well as some homemade ice cream! So good.... (what is it with me and the desserts??) Again, excellent day!

The weekend was truthfully exhausting... but it was so great to connect with all of the families. We are so lucky to have such love surrounding us. Each one of the dads- Poohbah, Grandpa Steve, Papa and Daddy mean something different to us- and we are so blessed to have them all so close. The entire weekend was a good chance for me to back up and reflect on just how lucky I am to have the fathers I have... and how lucky my kids are to be growing up with such strong men surrounding them. Especially Joe- my kids are so lucky to have such an involved, loving, intelligent dad. He is such a part of their lives... of shaping who they are becoming... and for that I am forever grateful. We are so lucky and blessed. I am so lucky and blessed.

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