I was at one of our elementary schools running the Title I Summer Academy program, and I thought it would be tons of fun to have both of the kids at the school site where I would be. You know, mom the administrator, kids in tow.... a woman who can do it all! Well, after much reading, researching, etc... it was determined that there was no way to have Colin there with me (being that he will only be entering Kindergarten this year, and he is not yet 6). So, we had Colin stay at the program that he attended all last year, but I hung onto the dream for Julia.
The whole Summer Academy process starts with a HUGE catalog filled with classes. You then must narrow down that catalog into the classes that your child is eligible to attend, and then match those classes against the hours in which they are offered to build your child's schedule. Basically like those days of scheduling classes in college... only you just don't have the opportunity to say... screw it, I really don't want to take that 7:45 a.m. class. Anyway, after much time with the catalog, Julia (and Mommy) settled on her four classes- South of the Border (seems a little inappropriate for a title, but hey...), Summer Choir, Junior Chefs, and Journey through Science.
Then Mommy paid for these lovely classes (let me tell you, not a cheap experience for my child) and we were off. She got up extra early with me each day because I had to be there by 7:15ish to serve breakfast to the kiddos in my program. She was a good sport about this (mostly), and loved 'helping' Mommy. She also had to wait around after school was over until I made sure that my kids were safely on the bus and that my teachers had everything that they needed for the next day. She quickly realized that waiting with me in the hot sun was less than fun and she quickly wrapped the ladies in the front office around her little finger. By the end of the 16 days, they were taking her for ice cream! It also turned out to be a good opportunity for us to have a lot of alone time in the car- on the way there and then at the end when I would take her to Manitas to join ranks with Colin at his program.
She hated it for the first few days- not much action- and a lot of 'getting to know you', but began to warm up to the entire thing by the end of the first week. Note those were precious days lost as the entire program was only sixteen days long...
The finale of Summer Choir was the performance of a musical entitled, Once Upon a Lily Pad. Cute story about a frog trying to find himself. Julia was a firefly who encouraged the frog to 'let his light shine'.. oh yeah, totally corny. But, Julia was quite proud of knowing all of the words to the songs as well as remembering her speaking part. This choir was made up of 2nd through 5th graders, so Julia was one of the youngest kids in there and I think she did pretty well. Here's a couple of photos...
Note Julia would not wear the Firefly mask that the other Fireflys wore....

(Not quite sure what this face is... but she REALLY was enjoying herself!)
She really enjoyed this class in particular. Needless to say, she was crying at the end of the day on Thursday because she just wasn't ready for it 'to be over'. Now the kids are off for the rest of the summer- ready for vacation with Nana and Papa, vacation with Mommy and Daddy, and then a couple weeks of hanging out with Nana and Papa before school starts.
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