I know some people are going to wonder why I've titled my blog "Looking from the Sides"...
So, I thought I'd address that one and hopefully answer the question...
There are a couple of reasons for the title. First and foremost, I have a disease called macular degeneration. Most of you who have heard of this disease will quickly search my blog looking to see exactly how old I am.... so I'll answer that here. I'm 34 (soon to be 35). And yes, I have a disease that mostly impacts elderly people. I haven't lost much sight yet- just one small place in my field of vision that has gone- and luckily, the spot is small enough, and my brain quick enough, that I usually don't notice it at all. But, mac degen is a progressive disease that steals your sight from you... from the center out. So, as my life progresses, odds are, I'll be looking from the sides, or from my peripheral vision... (which for those of you who've heard my trick for taking the peripheral vision test when getting my driver's license... I'm in big trouble!!)
I think looking from the sides is also a metaphor for who I am.... a mix of a liberal democrat with a huge faith in God and a major distrust for organized religion, an educator who spends time helping others raise their own kids as I question my abilities and talents in raising my own, a neat freak who lives with three other people who really don't view life that way, a coach potato who is trying hard to turn herself into a runner, and a person who has tried very hard in the last few years to 'remake' herself into the kind, caring, balanced, loving person she always wanted to be but never really was. So, I spend a lot of time looking at life, mothering, education, politics, faith, running, God, and relationships from all the sides...
Hope this helps.
3 months ago
1 comment:
Congratulations Carrie and thanks for sharing the great news! Just so you know, I'm a big fan of stem cell research. Always have been and always will be. Kudos to you for putting your thoughts out there...everyone needs to be more educated about it because it will make a difference. And you will see all the things you want to see in the future :).
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