Friday, January 22, 2010


We have gotten more rain here in the last several days than we've gotten in the last few years combined.  Last night there was a Tornando Warning in our neck of the woods..... it has just been crazy.  Tons and tons of auto accidents on the streets (seriously, folks DO NOT know how to drive when it is wet here... just because they never have to do it!).  My pool has begun to overflow onto the pool deck.  (I would take a picture and post it here, but that would mean that I would have to go outside in this rain... and I'm still in my jammies folks!).  Here is a photo of the street in front of our house... doesn't really do the amount of water justice... there is about a foot of standing water next to the curbs.

And, even with all of this, the media response to this whole thing has been HYSTERICAL.  Storm 2010.  Seriously.  Okay folks, it is rain.  I know we don't get it often.  I know we rarely get it more than one day in a row.  I know that there has been a lot of wind too (my umbrella got turned inside out yesterday when I was going to pick up the kids from school!).  And I think it is interesting and noteworthy (thus the blog entry).  But, still, just rain.  So, stop complaining about it, stop worrying about it, drive like sane people, and enjoy it.  We probably won't see it again for another year or so!  And get prepared... because a rain like this now... is gonna lead to LOTS and LOTS of these in a week or two.... (and yes, this group is ALREADY growing in my rock bed near the entryway... sigh.)

Have a great day all!


Daryo_Sharlah said...

Hooray! My sentiments exactly! Great entry Carrie =)

Amanda said...

AZ people get nuts in the rain! Crisis team met for 2.5 hours about it on Thursday (no joke) and met at 6am on Friday morning.