Saturday, January 16, 2010

Love, Love, Love

I ordered this on New Year's Eve and it arrived in my mailbox on Friday.  And I love it!

If you love it too, you can visit Beki's blog here, and her Etsy shop here.

More love for these brownies!  They are so AWESOME!  Super gooey, caramely, chocolate goodness.  Want the recipe? You can find it here.

Love for family trips and the spread that we all put out... here's the snack table.  Yes, you read right... these are just the 'snacks'.

And last but not least, I love these kids (these aren't the only kids I love (note my Miss Julia is missing...), but the ones I caught on film today.  Cousins Asher and Gundry as well as Mr. Colin enjoying the snow.

Who or what do YOU love today?  I'd love to hear....

1 comment:

For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...

I love perfect Saturdays filled with family time and a little "me" time.