Monday, January 11, 2010

Not Me! Monday!

In all of my recent blog reading (okay, borderline obsessive blog reading- I mean seriously- when you get tired after being up for an hour- you need something you can lay around and do with little effort...) I stumbled across MckMama's blog.  She does a 'blog carnival' (other folks post on the same topic and all link to her blog)  each week called, Not Me! Monday!  Here's how she describes this feature, 'Let's take our not-so-proud moments and spin them around in a delightful therapy session, shall we? This kind of therapy is free, funny, and oh so refreshing. That's right: It's time for Not Me! Monday!'

Here's my first go with Not Me! Monday!

I really did not wear the same pair of jeans every single day last week without washing them just because they are the only pair that fit right now.  Nope, not me.

I did not allow my children to eat Krispy Kreme donuts this morning for breakfast (after eating them yesterday for breakfast too) just because I knew that if they didn't, I would eat them while they were at school today.  No, I am a good mom and watch what my kids eat and I would never sacrifice their eating habits to keep me from eating something.  Nope, not me.

AND then, I did not eat the last of the Christmas cookies for breakfast because the donuts were gone.  No, I would make sure that my recovering body had good nutritious food to help it heal.  I would never eat cookies for breakfast.  Nope, not me.  (and the fact that I only have one pair of jeans that fits has EVERYTHING to do with my surgery and nothing to do with the fact that I've eaten Christmas cookies for breakfast several times recently.  Nope.  Because I would NEVER do that more than once...)

I absolutely, positively did not sand my latest DIY project, my little red box while in the garage, creating a horrible mess of red sand dust all over everything.  Nope, not me.

I have not spent endless hours laying in bed reading blogs recently.  I am being productive with my time off, accomplishing lots of tasks like organizing my photos and going through paperwork, just like I planned that I would do.  I would never waste my time off work while recovering surfing around the net reading blogs.  Nope, not me.

I have not spent the hours that I have not been in bed thinking of cleaning/decorating projects that need to be done in our house that I cannot do just yet.  And then made my husband do them.  Like clean the top plant shelf around the kitchen, reorganize the furniture in the front room, put all the Christmas decorations in the attic, etc. etc.  I would never make my husband (who has lots of extra responsibility lately with picking up and dropping off the kids at school) do extra chores just because I have all this time to sit around and think them up.  Nope, not me.

That's all for this week's edition of Not Me! Monday!  folks.  I think I *might* make a habit of joining in on this one... it was fun!


Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I definitely skipped breakfast this morning (something I never do), only to come to work and find Krispy Kreme donuts brought in by a co-worker! Needless to say, I did NOT eat way more than I should have!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Anonymous said...

Great job! What a fun post! I love MckMama! If you haven't read the amazing story of Stellan's diagnosis, birth, and recovery you really should! It's an amazing story of what God can do!

By the way I did NOT forget to pack socks for little JD and have to run to Target to get some. And I definitely did not allow him to ruin them by running around in only socks at a party Saturday night! :)

(from a not signed in Shelly Shown)

Carroll Family said...

Love it!

For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...

I also only have one pair of jeans...and it is most likely NOT because of xmas cookies and poor breakfast eating choices. :)

Nerf guns - forgot those on my list...we do have those too!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Yeah, that whole "one pair of jeans" thing? That's totally me right now.

In fact I'm getting ready to put on sweats, so I can start the laundry. With my only pair of jeans in it.

Amy said...

Are there women out there who have more than one pair of jeans that fit? Because I'm sure not one of them. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Hope your recovery is going well!