Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sleep... Or Lack There Of...

Sooo.... I'm not sleeping really well. It's not that I'm having a hard time falling asleep... I can do that with my same 'as soon as the head hits the pillow' ability that I've had most of my life.

No, it's more like staying asleep that is the issue. I know that part of it has to do with a series of nightmares that I'm having (Trust me, if it's something bad, and something that could really happen to my family, it's been in my dreams lately. We've been robbed, we've been in a car accident, someone kidnapped my kids, etc., etc) And what's odd is that after I wake up I am able to go back to sleep (not typical for me), so it seems like it shouldn't be affecting me too much. But it is. I'm tired. I'd like to have a REALLY good night's sleep. One without bad dreams or waking up at least 15 times during the night. I've even tried some of the methods from the past- get really tired before going to bed, take a bath before bed, Tylenol PM before bed- but none of the old tricks have worked.

Any suggestions out there in cyber-space? I would sure appreciate them.
Here's to another night... let's cross our fingers that tonight is better! :)


Carroll Family said...

My sister-in-law takes 1/2 a unisom to help her sleep when she's getting over a cold. I'm considering it camping tomorrow night :)

Biscuits 'N Gravy said...

Try reading a boring book before bed, and NOT WATCHING THE NEWS! It's the things running through our minds that wake us up, so try keeping everything to the super mundane. Also, fun, happy things around your bed to look at before going to sleep, so your last thougts are happy ones. But, the best advice is time. Give yourself time to recover from what has happened and realize that this is the way your body is processing all the trauma lately. Be good to you!