Home health care nurse came on Tuesday... and after checking on Joe... decided that she didn't need to come back! (don't get me wrong... she was very nice... but it is even nicer for my husband NOT to need regular nursing care!)
Doctor called on Tuesday... Coumadin level is 2.1... so no more SHOTS! Yeah!! Levels will need to be tested weekly to ensure that the dosage remains between 2.0 and 3.0- the theraputic level for Joe.
Physical therapist came on Tuesday and on Wednesday... she is helping Joe feel much better. Joe is having lots of issues with stiffness in his neck and shoulders- mostly caused by the odd way he needs to hold his body to ensure that he doesn't move the areas that are painful. PT is helping to release the stiffness and start to move the arm and shoulder. Joe will have physical therapy three times a week here at the house until he has more movement and less pain.
Joe really is doing better- staying awake longer- moving around the house more. The doctor and physical therapist have encouraged him to walk more (they want to make sure that he doesn't develop pneomonia as a result of just not moving much). On Tuesday, he saved up all of his energy so that we could go to the costume store with the kiddos to check out some Halloween costumes. He quickly found a spot to sit down (in the middle of the aisle) but it was nice for the kids to have him be part of their costume selection. It was great for us to get out as a family and do something fun as well!
Here's everybody's favorite patient... I think he IS starting to look better (note he can finally wear a regular shirt now that all the tubes/drains/IVs are out).
Here's a Halloween preview of Cleopatra and Jango Fett...
And finally, I know that Joe is feeling better BECAUSE... he's decided that I should dress up as a nurse for Halloween and here's the costume he picked out! :)

Night all...
I'm so glad that Joe is doing better and things are getting back to normal for you and the kids. :)Thinking of you and your family and wishing you all the best!!
Hugs, Amanda Hamm
Glad to see Joe is feeling better.
I have been thinking of you both often lately.
Here's to a continued recovery!
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