Kids had a good weekend. Saturday was a long day with Daddy resting and Momma trying to hold down the fort, but we still found time to read, do some homework and build a pillow fort in the living room. Sunday was an AWESOME day for the kids... Uncle Andrew came and took them for the afternoon. They saw a movie, had lunch at the Olive Garden and even went to the bookstore! Colin came home with a much prized Pokemon book, and Julia got a Wimpy Kid book. Uncle Andrew is my hero today, as this time gave me a chance to do some housework and take a much needed/desired nap. Thanks Uncle Andrew!!
Sunday also brought the return of our beloved Ellie. Jason dropped her off Sunday afternoon. Paige, Jason and the kids did a FANTASTIC job taking care of our girl... she looks great. I swear, she's been off at the doggie spa or something... nails are trimmed, she's had a bath, and she is a very happy dog. Words cannot express how much it means to Joe and I that Ellie was well taken care of for the last week... there was just no way that I could have managed caring for Joe and Ellie at the same time. Thank you thank you thank you Jason and Paige!!
It does feel like the world is finally turning right side up again, now that I have all my loved ones at home. Here's a photo showing my two invalids. :)
Tomorrow brings bloodwork (pray that Joe's levels are up and we can discontinue the hated shots), and a visit to the doctor with the hope that they can remove the last remaining item attached to Joe's body- the drain (pray that the drain has done it's job and everything looks good enough to do this).
I think all of us are struggling with staying positive- which seems odd at this point in the journey- but I think we are all tired and all ready for life to return to 'normal'. Everybody in the family has taken their turn at a melt-down today.. here's hoping that things will be better tomorrow. I keep thinking how lucky we are- that this is a temporary thing, that there will be normal again, that we are all here together- and I can keep those thoughts going for awhile- but then I lose it again and get lost in all that isn't normal. I'm sure I'll wade through it eventually...
That's all for tonight folks. Have a good one.
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