Just wanted to do a quick post about Joe's progress in the last week:
*He is done with in-home physical therapy. The range of motion in his arm is GREATLY improved. He is still struggling a little bit with his neck- and his neck is what seems to get tired easily- but overall he has made AMAZING progress. Even his doctor was shocked at his last appointment with how much movement has returned to the arm. ;)
*He continues with his coumadin. We are currently playing the 'adust the meds' until they are just right game. His level dropped below 'theraputic' this week, so now he's taking 6 milligrams on Sun., Tues., Thurs., and Sat.- 5 milligrams on the other days. His medical alert bracelet arrived, so he is sporting some fine bling that shares this information with the world. We have noticed that he has a series of new 'little' bruises that he just doesn't know where they came from... this is a side effect of the blood thinner and will likely continue until he stops taking the meds. He will need weekly blood work until he gets his levels adjusted, and then will be tested once a month. Our understanding of this process is that he should just about get the levels figured out about the time that he doesn't need to take the medicine anymore.
*The surgeon is scheduling his next procedure for either late December or early January. (We are pushing for late December as Joe's medical insurance is changing DRASTICALLY starting January 1st, and so we'd like to get it done before that happens). For this procedure, they will insert a catheter into his arm and use that to run the dye through his veins again, while taking live x-rays. This will allow them to decide if the vein needs repair and what type of repair it needs. If it needs repair they will do it during this procedure.
*He has been cleared to drive and to go back to work- in moderation. He has done some work from home during the past week- read e-mail and tried to get caught up again. The doctor has cautioned him that he is still recovering and he should be careful not to get TOO tired or try to do too much. Joe has found if he does too much his body kinda 'shuts down' and he gets really tired.... so I think his body is trying hard to take care of him.
*He shaved off the FuredyBeard(TM). I am SO glad... :)
*Emotionally, I think we are all starting to recover and be able to think about other things. The kids have lost that scared look in their eyes, and Joe is feeling better and better each day. We are all trying to spend some time every day counting our blessings... and trust me.... we have a LOT of blessings with regard to this situation.
Okay, will post more later today about Fall Break and some of the fun things that we've done despite our no travel, no strenuous exercise limitations. :)
3 months ago
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