Monday, May 25, 2009


Manipulation- exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage.

That seems to be the word- or at least the action for the week.

In the past week I have watched co-workers, parents of other children in the Kyrene school district and *multiple* family members utilize the skill of manipulation to get what they wanted. I simply observed some of these 'manipulations', was a pawn in several of them, and in a couple I was the person being manipulated. Several of these situations even had *layers* of manipulation... one person manipulated another into manipulating others, but then the second person looped back and also manipulated the first person.... (think through that one for a minute)

The question that arises for me out of these experiences is this- is manipulation always bad?

Obviously, when you are the person that has been manipulated- it feels bad (of course only if you realize you've been manipulated... I often watch folks being manipulated that have NO CLUE what is going on...) And I doubt that when most people manipulate others they are doing so in a hurtful or devious way- they just want what they want, and they know that is the way to get it. But, there is a line that some folks seem to cross- a line that pushes it from just getting what they want- to a cold, calculated, over the top power play. Those manipulations are the hardest to watch- and the hardest to be on the receiving end of....

Here's my other interesting observation- all of the manipulators in all of these situations happened to be female. Just coincidence? Trust me, I know that men can be total manipulators- but in the situations that I've seen- those men are usually manipulating others over 'big' things- not the little petty *hit that I observed the women around me twisting and turning to accomplish this week.

I have to admit that some of these manipulations made me mad, some really hurt my feelings, and a couple were so out there they even made me laugh. The sad thing is that in almost all of the situations- if the individuals had just been honest and straight-forward and ASKED for what they wanted- they probably would have gotten it. Sad to think that folks feel like they have to trick others into doing what they want or need- when most of the time people would do it willingly.

I know after this week I'm gonna think twice before I engage in a 'planned' manipulation of others. Next time, I think I'll just ask. Who knows, I might not get it, but at the same time I think I'll like myself a whole lot better in the end.

'Night all...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Twu Wuv....

Our friend, Russell Moreland, got married Friday night- and Joe, the kids, and I were lucky enough to be there and witness the wonderful occasion.You have to understand the really special place that these fellows hold in my heart- Andy, Dave, Joe, Russ and I were a pretty inseparable group for several years of my life. At a given time you could add or subtract any number of girlfriends or other friends, but the five of us spent a LOT of time together. This was in that time of our lives where we had lots of leisure time- Joe and I were living in an apartment, no kids, and not a lot of responsibility. The group (or as my mom loved to call us, the Nerd Herd) hung out as much as possible- we watched movies together, ate dinner together and just spent a lot of time laughing and joking. Don't get me wrong- it wasn't perfect. Trust me, we had some *great* fights during that time as well, but for lack any any better words, during the early days of my marriage this group WAS my family. These guys hold a very special place in my heart.

Joe and I were 'ahead' of the pack in terms of relationships, marriage and kids- we were the first to have a long term relationship, the first to be married (by many years), and the first to have kids- so I think that has made it even more fun to watch as they have found their soul mates and moved on to the next stage of their lives. Slowly over time we have watched each of them grow and change- we've watched all of them find their purpose, we've watched all of them find true love, and we've watched one them join the ranks of parenthood.

We got to be there on Friday night as Russ moved into the next stage of his life with his beautiful bride Cecilia. The wedding was beautiful- but the thing that struck me the most was how HAPPY Russ seemed. He was smiling from EAR to EAR all night long- even as he took Ceci out on the dance floor (I didn't know that Russell *could* dance!!). It was a beautiful event- and my heart was warmed by the fact that another one of 'my guys' has found true happiness and joy.
Joe, the kids and I had a pretty good time too... Colin met a very cute girl named Amy and seemed to really enjoy dancing with her, Julia loved all the 'wedding' stuff, and I think the whole experience even made Joe and I stop and think about our marriage and how it has grown and changed over the years.So, here's to Mr. and Mrs. Russ and Ceci Moreland- may you find many years of peace, happiness and joy in your marriage. Love to you both!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Home Stretch

We are in the home stretch of the school year with only 6 days of school left to go.

My days are filled to the brim at work, without a moment to breathe (I've gotta get all communication out, all decisions made that impact teachers by next Thursday before their contracts end), followed by evenings filled with making blue jello oceans for Colin's Kindergarten class and trying to find nice end of the year gifts for everyone.

How is it that I always forget what this time of year is like... and then it creeps up on me and smacks me in the face?

I SWORE this year I would be more organized. I SWORE that I would have things together and be more focused. I SWORE....

And now I'm really swearing. I've got a LOT to do and only a few days to do it in. Damn. Oh well, it will all be over soon....

Monday, May 11, 2009


I am so blessed.

I think that I often lose sight of that in the day to day chaos that we lovingly refer to as life... but I am truly blessed.

I am blessed with a wonderful husband who LOVES me- just me- for who I am- with all my faults and flaws.

I am blessed with two wonderful children, who are healthy and happy, and who are growing and changing and maturing every single day.

I am blessed with a relationship with my parents that continues to develop and change even now that I am an adult.

All of these blessings came together on Sunday in a really wonderful way- in a way that so clearly reminded me just how blessed I really am....

My Mother's Day was phenomenal. Simply wonderful. Leaving me with no other words. Here are some photos....Wood's Canyon Lake- It was gorgeous... perfect weather!

Nana and Papa with their kids....

Night all....

Saturday, May 9, 2009


So... I have two kids. Two sweet, good natured kids (for the most part....).

We live in a clean house (again- for the most part). I am a pretty organized person- hold down a full time job, keep my house kept up, etc. etc.

In addition, Joe and I both have expectations for the kids to keep their rooms somewhat clean and we spend time every day cleaning up.

Knowing all of that.... can YOU tell me why the backseat of my car ALWAYS looks like this?? (note these shots are mostly on Colin's side of the car... Julia does a slightly better job.)

And, is it going to be this way FOREVER??

When we had the minivan, my backseat was always chaotic- but I figured that was because I had two *little* kids and because of the open nature of the backseat. I swore that my new car would be cleaner and neater. I nag the children daily to get their stuff out of the car. But still.... if anything my car is WORSE now than before.

Please... we need an intervention... we need your help!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Public Relations?

I did a TV interview today with 3TV about All Day Kindergarten in the Kyrene School District. This task came to me because I handle 'all things Kindergarten' at the district level. (Somebody said to me today, but I thought you handled Title I, and sex ed... yep... well... add Kindergarten to that mix!)

(If you'd like to see the interview, you can see it here... and you can catch both Colin and I in the video as it was shot in his Kindergarten classroom)

In the past year, I have been interviewed on television five times and have been interviewed countless times for the newspaper- all in ways that relate to my job. I don't mind doing this- and I have to admit that I still get a little thrill out of being on TV or being quoted in the paper. It's different than my regular work- and I usually get to speak about topics that I am really passionate about (no sex ed jokes here please!).

But, as I was coming back to the district office I started thinking about the media and how it relates to Kyrene- and then more globally about how it relates to our society. See, when I first started in Kyrene, I don't think we were 'covered' nearly as much in the media. Sure, every once in awhile there was a story- usually more print than television- and especially in the local papers- but it was every once in awhile. Now, it seems like our district is on TV all the time... just think if I've been interviewed 5 times this year and I only deal with a handful of programs... how many interviews have there been altogether?

Part of this is due to the public relations person that works in our district. She has strong ties to both the newspaper and the television stations- and she's out there asking for the stories. But I think part of it has to do with the incessant coverage of everything that is happening in our world today. Seems like the media is desparate for news to cover- and I don't know that it's always a good thing. Take the Swine Flu for example... that was one that got blown WAY out of proportion and I really think the media had a LOT to do with it.

So, here's the question... is the media coverage of our district good or bad? When I look at the story today- it's good. This was great coverage about All Day Kindergarten and all that it has to offer for kids. Hopefully it will expand a few individual's minds when they think about what Kindergarten is and isn't...

But what about when the story isn't good? When the story is slanted (like some of the recent coverage of the sex education curriculum) and not accurate? When the story is created simply to try to create some anxiety- to CREATE controversy? What then?

Seems to me that it's a bit like playing Russian Roulette... and I'm not quite sure I'm ready to play with that gun on a regular basis.

Guess that's why I chose *public* education and NOT *public* relations as my profession.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Diving Lessons

Julia was diving into the pool this afternoon and Colin suddenly noticed that this was a skill that he doesn't have just yet...

And you know how it is between siblings- he needed to know how, and he needed to know now!

He really picked up a lot tonight... my guess is he'll be diving like a pro before the summer is over. I think it is just amazing how quickly kids can pick up a new skill- wish I could learn new things like that!

Here's Miss Julia diving in- I swear she can dive way better than her momma!We also enjoyed our first summer dinner outside by the pool. Gotta LOVE this weather!!
Have a wonderful week everyone- C

Three Weeks...

There are three weeks left until the end of the school year.

Colin has three weeks left of Kindergarten (as I am typing, he is reading the words over my shoulder... so I'm *thinking* that he's probably ready for first grade....) and Julia is almost done with second grade as well.

As happy as I am about that (our family is in SERIOUS need of some down time) it is really hard to believe that the school year is over already. Where did this year go? Seems like time just flew by... to take us from this....

To this....
Lots of fun things planned at school during these last three weeks- so I am sure the kids will enjoy themselves. And Momma will just appreciate the last few weeks of having a Kindergartner and a second grader....

Hope you are all enjoying your last few weeks of the school year!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May Day Celebration

Just have to post and brag a bit about my little girl.

Julia performed in the season finale for the Chandler Children's Choir last night- and they were amazing! This was the inaugural season for the CCC- and it has been so much fun to watch them grow and develop. Julia knew so little about reading music, about singing, about pitch, about harmony and melody when she started... I can't believe how much she learned in just one year.

The capstone for their season was last night when they performed at the very beautiful Trinity Episcopal Church on Roosevelt. The acoustics in this church are just amazing- and they only served to highlight how wonderful the kids sounded.

Nana and Papa, Poohbah and Grandma Sherry, Grandma and GG (and of course Momma, Daddy and Colin) were all there to cheer Julia on- even though the pews were REALLY hard!

Congrats Julia. Momma and Daddy are SO proud of you!