We live in a clean house (again- for the most part). I am a pretty organized person- hold down a full time job, keep my house kept up, etc. etc.
In addition, Joe and I both have expectations for the kids to keep their rooms somewhat clean and we spend time every day cleaning up.
Knowing all of that.... can YOU tell me why the backseat of my car ALWAYS looks like this?? (note these shots are mostly on Colin's side of the car... Julia does a slightly better job.)
When we had the minivan, my backseat was always chaotic- but I figured that was because I had two *little* kids and because of the open nature of the backseat. I swore that my new car would be cleaner and neater. I nag the children daily to get their stuff out of the car. But still.... if anything my car is WORSE now than before.
Please... we need an intervention... we need your help!
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