At this moment in time, I have only one niece and one nephew. I do hope that that number will increase as time goes on (Joe has a younger brother and sister who may have children someday- I hope they do if they want to and when they are ready) but for now, I have just the two.
But even if there are more nieces and nephews, Asher and G-man are the cousins that my kids are growing up with- the ones that I will know the best and be the closest to- simply because of their ages and the ages of my own children. That makes these two very special to me.
Happy Birthday Asher and Gundry- from your Aunt Carrie who loves you so much that you can never use it all up. Watching you grow up is one of the best parts of my life. Here's wishing that all of your hopes and dreams come true. I love you both.
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