Okay, you know how sometimes God puts a few challenges in your path- just as a way to wake you up and make you a better person? Well....
Lately, I've been feeling a little full of myself. (I know... just lately?) Seems to have gotten a little easier to balance my job, motherhood, keeping the house, running, etc. My kids are getting older- are a little more independent, and have both discovered the joy of earning allowance by doing a few household chores. Anyway, since the holidays, I've felt pretty successful in keeping everything balanced. I think I've also had a few judgmental thoughts (again.. not me?) about folks who seem to struggle more with the whole parenting thing. How hard can it be to keep your kids fed, clothed, homework done, etc.?
Welp- I've gotten knocked down off of that high horse in the past few days. See, Joe got sick. Now, for those of you who know Joe, you know that he's been sick like 5 times in the entire time that we've been together. He just NEVER gets sick. He's a healthy guy, takes good care of himself, and I swear his metabolism just kills the germs off before they have a chance to take hold. Anyway, he woke up Saturday morning and he was SICK. I've never seen something come on so strong or so fast. We went to the 'Minute Clinic' and they told him he had bronchitis. Gave him some antibiotics, cough syrup, etc and sent him home. Kids and I had a good Saturday. Did some chores, played a little, had pizza for dinner. Joe slept. Sunday came, and the bulk of the weekly responsibilities hit. Laundry, cleaning of rooms, and the identified chore of the weekend- which for this week was to try on last year's shorts, etc and determine clothing needs. I also rotated the closets and pulled out items for donation to Goodwill. On top of this, I did more house cleaning than normal since Joe and I are scheduled to head out of town this weekend and his mom will be staying at our house.
Anyway, by the time I got all of that done, kids' homework done, and lunches packed for Monday, I was exhausted. Decided to check on Joe- who hadn't made more than a peep all day. After talking to him for about 5 minutes, I decided he needed to go to the ER because something just wasn't right. He wasn't making a lot of sense, was in a lot of pain, and felt nauseous. Called Joe's sister Bic and her boyfriend Eric (thank goodness they were available.. thanks again guys!) to come over and hang out with my kiddos, who were just getting ready for bed, while I took Joe to the ER.
I have never had an ER experience quite like this one. Joe looked like hell, felt like hell, and wasn't coping too well with being in public. Let's just say that I've never seen people in the ER (who have been waiting for hours to be seen by a doctor) actually say to the nurse- I really think that guy needs to go first. Anyway, we got back to a room fairly quickly, got Joe some drugs and some IV fluids, and hung out for more hours than I want to think of. I've never been the one in the hospital just waiting. Joe was pretty drugged up most of the time we were there, and I was stuck watching horrible tv, trying to read with the light out so Joe could sleep and freezing to death. I found out that waiting in the hospital can be pretty tiring- even when you aren't the sick one.
Then, it was home from the hospital in the morning, quick shower, take the kids to school, etc. Came home from doing that, took care of Joe, ran into work for a bit, picked up the kids, took Colin to karate, picked up some groceries, came home, put groceries away, cooked dinner for Joe and the kids (different things of course) and then packed lunches and dealt with the backpacks. Not to mention finished putting away the laundry from last night, and got Julia's stuff ready for her music performance tomorrow night.
So, here's the awareness. I am TOTALLY lucky to have a partner in my life who is helping me raise my kiddos. I have no idea how I could do what I do if he wasn't there pitching in, lending a hand, and encouraging me. After just 3 days without him, I'm ready to call UNCLE. Also, I don't know how folks who have spouses with prolonged illnesses do it... I just don't know how they care for an ill spouse (or parent, or friend) and at the same time care for their families and their homes.
Needless to say, I will now appreciate my friends who are single moms/dads SO MUCH MORE. I will reach out more with offers of help and friendship. I will listen more and be more appreciative of the fact that they are doing really hard work and they are doing it by themselves. I will also reach out more to anyone that I know who is taking care of a spouse or parent or other ill person. Basically, I will BE a better person. :)
PS Joe is feeling better. He actually got out of bed for a little while tonight, and has eaten a few small things today. He is able to talk and is actually watching tv with the kiddos while I write this.
3 months ago
Goodness!!! Did you ever find out for sure what it was??? I remember that Joe never gets sick - I remember you getting sick and I couldn't figure out how Joe possibly didn't get it :) I love your new look on the blog!
I'm glad he's feeling better. I remember getting the flu a few years ago when we lived in our apartment. I didn't get out of bed for days. It was awful.
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