I went to the eye doctor today.
Now, for some folks, that is a minor thing- go to the eye doctor, get new cool looking glasses, life is good.
For me, going to the eye doctor is an event that is usually scheduled months in advance, involves two doctors (an ophthamologist and an optometrist), the latest and greatest in medical technology (several types of retinal scans), and needless to say creates a great deal of anxiety in my life. I typically have to 'prepare' myself for this appointment. I dread the appointment... dread the conversations... dread the results...
After putting it off for two months (and after getting FOUR postcards from my eye doctors) I decided today was THE DAY. I was going to call and make my appointment. I figured I'd get that part done and it would give me another two months to prepare for the actual appointment. So, I called. And I was greeted by this... "We actually had a cancellation for this afternoon. We can get you in to see both doctors today."
Holy cow.... today... well... okay. I wasn't really ready to go today, but... they had an appointment. And I could see both doctors... and well, that didn't give me too much time to get nervous- right?
So at 4 o'clock today I headed over to the eye doctor and submitted myself to the yearly round of tests. After about 40 minutes of having every color of bright light shined directly into my eyes, puffs of air shot at me, clicking endless buttons when I see something on the screen moving, followed by the typical "Which is better... 1 or 2?... 2 or 3?... 3 or 4?" (I particularly hate that... seriously... they all look the SAME!) I was done. And then BOTH doctors came in to let me know that there has been NO DISEASE PROGRESSION AT ALL IN THE LAST 18 MONTHS! WOOHOO!!! This was simply awesome news... awesome, awesome news. My preventative measures are working. I've managed to stop the disease... for now.
They followed this with the unfortunate news that even with glasses or contacts they can't get my vision to 20/20 anymore. Which is a bummer, but I'm doing okay corrected at 20/30... so... for now it will do. I need to avoid driving at night as much as possible. I can live with that. We keep talking about what the options will be in the future- sounds like they are doing some awesome new things with both glasses and contacts, so I know that this will all be fine in the future.
I ended the appointment with my favorite guy in the office- Bill. Bill is a total fashionista who helped me (for the second time) pick out a awesome new pair of frames (I loved the glasses he picked for me last time, so just turned myself over to him again for another new pair!). They are black plastic frames that are red on the inside... can't wait to get them so I can post a pic!! They are funky and fun and totally different from any glasses I have had in the past. It was a great way to end the appointment (and I'm gonna stay focused on that and not the almost $700 bill that I got at the end of the appointment... and that's WITH insurance folks!)
Anyway, just wanted to share the great news!
P.S. I know many of you have very mixed feelings about stem cell research. I had it myself at one point in time- and I still feel that it needs good regulation- just like all science. However, scientists believe strongly that macular degeneration is one of the first diseases that they can 'cure' with stem cells- completely stop the progression of the disease. The only trick is that once vision is lost, there is no way to bring it back. Which means, for me personally, the sooner the better. However you feel, whatever your position on this topic, please stop for a minute today and think about what that research means to someone like myself. Think about the fact that without it... it is possible that I will miss seeing the latter half of my life- my children getting married, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren. Please... all I am asking you is to think.
3 months ago
1 comment:
Wow I had no idea. I have the same reservations about the eye doctor -- I can ven see the big E its a big blob. But I do not have macular degeneration. But, sounds like you have the perfect assistance in looking fashion perfect! Need him in my office.....
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