I have to admit, I haven't been writing cause I've been experiencing a grand 'ol case of the January blues. Between my neck issue (Nope, not any better, despite toradol shot, despite tons of drugs, despite rest and NOT working out, not any better. In fact, maybe worse as my hand continues to go numb, which makes typing and working and just in general being a human being slightly more difficult. Okay, enough on that..) and the LOVELY cold that I've had for over two weeks (Thanks a whole lot to my nephew Gundry who lovingly shared with his Aunt Carrie.), and the normal it's January and we're back to work and we have bills to pay (new tires for my car, pay the deductible to fix the dent in the back of my car, Julia's braces, my medical bills which keep piling up) my mood has been, shall we say, less than wonderful. My Twitter and Facebook posts sound like a medical journal... when I post at all (and yes, I know, I haven't been posting, I've been sparing you all my horrific negativity... you should be glad folks, very glad).
However, this weekend, I decided to at least try to change my mood- by still relaxing and taking it easy, but at the same time attempting to get a few things done around here.. and it actually made me feel a bit better. See, I worked on the taxes (and it looks like a refund will be coming to the Furedy home, which will be a welcome addition to the family checkbook), we lucked into a (slightly used but new to us) water heater thanks to an old high school friend on Facebook (which spares us the cost of buying a new one as ours has been acting a little out of sorts for the last few weeks), and I got started on getting my pictures organized again (which was a great reminder of all the fun times we've had in the last few months... life really is good.) The kids also had an awesome weekend- Colin got to have a sleepover at a friend's house (which necessitated an afternoon nap today... which he chose to take with me... it's been a long time since I got to nap with my little man and it was awesome). Julia had a night out with Momma, Daddy, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Stacy that involved at trip to the bookstore and a grown-up dinner at a sushi restaurant (she did awesome trying the sushi, but says it's just not for her...) which seems to have made her quite happy.
My goal for this week is to do some small posts that feature some of our 2011 adventures so far... 2nd Christmas in Flagstaff with the Woodard/ Furedy/ Singer clans AND the Chandler Children's Choir singing the National Anthem at the Phoenix Suns' Game. (I am really hoping I will be up to doing this.. you'll have to stay tuned in just to see...)
So, my mood is a bit better, my outlook a little sunnier, but my neck still hurts (guess I can't have everything..). So, I'm off to my bed... with my pain pills in one hand and my heating pad in the other. Catch you on the upside my friends.
PS First cortisone epidural in my neck is scheduled for Feb. 10th. That's 11 days from now. Doctor assures me that I will experience significant pain relief after this shot. Can you all pray for me? That I make it gracefully through the next 11 days AND that the pain relief is as significant as I have been promised? It would be greatly appreciated my friends.
3 months ago
1 comment:
Oh, Carrie, I'm sorry! It would be very hard to be positive- I really hope it works!
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