Hello my friends (Yes. Yes. I know. I write. And then I don't. And then I do. And then I don't again. And if I am ever going to do anything with this blogging thing other than just fool around, I need to write. Consistently. You'll know if I ever get to more than just foolin' around. Cause you'll read. Consistently- right?)
Anyway... hello. Glad to see you again. Life in the Furedy household has been fun, chaotic, crazy, busy, funny and just downright strange for the last few months. Between birthdays (And yes, as a mother I *do* know that I have written a birthday post for my daughter for the last two years and haven't written one for my son. That's what he gets for being stubborn and not arriving until a week before Christmas.), Christmases (we've had 3 or maybe 4 so far and there's still one to go...), New Year's, choir concerts, work, drugs (yep, those pain pills for my neck kept me from doing much other than looking at the walls and muttering to myself for a few days), playing board games, and building Legos (and, well... maybe some laziness thrown in just for fun), I haven't had time to even think about writing on my blog.
Again, probably not the whole truth. I've thought about it a lot... (but thinking and *doing* happen to be two different things I've discovered). So, here I am. And it's a New Year. So, of course (please note the dripping sarcasm) I must join the world of bloggy mommas with a list of all the things that I am going to change about my life in the next year (those bloggy mommas can be a real pain in the *ss sometimes... I oughta know!), a list of my RESOLUTIONS....
I've actually decided that I don't want to CHANGE that much about my life. I really like my life. (Pretty cool- eh?) The only real thing that I want to focus on is really paying ATTENTION to the life I am living... and to be present in it each and every day. (Hmmm... I guess that could be considered a change, but since I'm not really gonna do anything different, and just gonna wake up and enjoy it more, I'm still voting that it's NOT a change. Go with me folks.)
There we have it. A New Year's Resolution. One I think should be pretty easy to keep. (Or will it? 'Cause I tend to get wrapped up in getting it done, rather than the doing, so this may be the hardest resolution ever to keep).
This does bring us full circle though, since if I am going to do this, I need at least one way to track my progress.... (come on folks... have you caught on yet?) Yep, that would be writing about it. All of it. The good, the bad and the ugly. (I usually try to at least spare you guys the ugly....). Writing about it here. On my lovely blog. Just to see. See what it becomes.
On that note, welcome 2011.
Welcome back my friends.
I *will* be talking to you soon.
3 months ago
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