We are putting the house on the market.
Joe and I officially made the decision on Saturday (hey, it was something to do while the kids were off picking apples with my parents....). Actually, not having the kids around for a few hours was a true blessing, because we could sit in the den, plug the numbers in the spreadsheet (you didn't think we made this decision without a spreadsheet did you?), and talk it through. We weighed the pros, the cons, examined the dollar amounts, talked about all possible expenses (do you know how much a moving van, storage unit, appraisal and home inspection cost? We do.) and talked about the probable expenses (new appliances, fix up costs for the possible new house- lots of foreclosures on the market which = work and money). We talked about the overall budget and possible changes that need to be made (i.e. less clothes shopping for the momma and a little less 'just because' spending, and no trip for Fall Break this year). We also talked a lot about 'kreplits' (which is our little way about talking about time- there are only so many kreplits available and ours will be spent on house stuff rather than on relaxing and having fun). Joe is committed to selling one of his Fieros (yes, note I said one- he isn't ready to give up the dream- just shrinking the dream a little). We also talked about this putting us farther away from Nana and Papa as well as Grandma Paulette and Grandpa Steve....
And after all of that, all of the costs- we looked at the benefits. Commute shorter (this is a HUGE one for me- I will be so close to work- and will hopefully help me to balance my days better). Kids closer to friends and activities. Possibly living on a street with more kids (this is the biggest thing that my kids are wishing for... just to have kids close by that they could possibly be friends with because there are NO kids where we live now). Julia being able to stay with her friends and go to middle school (which, I am sorry to say, is probably going to be very... shall we say... angst ridden for her based on what we are seeing already).
So really, there was no decision to be made. I called the realtor. We rented a storage unit (so we can 'declutter' the house and have OPEN spaces...) We have some roof repairs that need to be done, and I need to have a garage sale (September 25th.. it's gonna be a biggie!). Kids need to clean out their rooms and some major organization needs to go on in our garage. But after that.... well... we are ON the market.
Cross your fingers for us. Pray that someone sees our house and feels that it would be the perfect home for their family (just like it has been the perfect home for us... I have so many wonderful memories in this house... we have grown and changed so much as a family since we moved in).
I can't resist a photo here.... these are our kids the day we moved into this house....
Hope that they can qualify for a loan (which is much harder than it used to be) and that they can come up with a down payment. And if all of that happens... pray that we can quickly find a home, in the right neighborhood, for the right price, that will be a good place for the Furedy family to settle (FOR GOOD!).
We are going out for 90 days for this first go around. That will take us to the new year. If the house hasn't sold by then, we will reevaluate.... but for now, the adventure has begun!!
Happy Labor Day everyone!
Good luck!!!!!!! I hope it works out well - sounds like you guys need this!
Good for you! Should you need an excellent realtor, our son, Eric is one.
Diane Holmstedt
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