So... seems like a few 'big' things are behind us yet again (where does the time go?!?)...
Julia and Colin have successfully started another school year (They love school. I am SOO lucky for that.). I've transitioned into my new position and am not feeling like I'm in a *new* position every day (I still look around every once in awhile and wonder if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, but so far no one has told me otherwise so I must be okay). Joe has gone to a canyoneering rendezvous, had a great time, and come home healthy (cross our fingers and knock on wood). We're wrapping up another summer season....
And fall is around the corner. Although the weather here sure doesn't show us that fall is arriving (you still melt the moment that you leave your air conditioned car to enter your air conditioned workplace) it is. And with it all that fall brings... cooler temperatures, comfort foods (chili and stew and all the wonderful stuff that we enjoy during the fall), holidays (first Halloween, then J's birthday, Thanksgiving, C's birthday, Christmas..... hold on to your hats folks, it might be a bumpy ride!) And of course, the possibility of putting our house on the market during this time... (And no, no decisions made. Trust me, I'll let you all know... you'll be sick of hearing the regular updates I'm sure!) Normally all of this would have me brimming with joy and excitement. This is my favorite part of the year- my favorite holidays- my favorite weather- my favorite foods- my favorite clothes (it's so much easier to hide a couple of extra pounds in a sweater and a pair of blue jeans!) .....
But for some reason, I'm just dragging myself along right now. Maybe it is the weather- we've had a hot, long summer that isn't showing any signs of letting up- or maybe it's something else. I just can't put my finger on it. I find myself waking up on the wrong side of the bed more than the right one these days... I seem more tired than usual... quick to jump to anger and conclusions (especially when it comes to e-mail... tread lightly my friends).... I thought that maybe focusing on what is just ahead might shake my mood, but all it did was seem to make the dark mood a little darker.
I need to (as this post lovingly suggests) get a grip. So many wonderful things happening in my life and around me.... I am truthfully the luckiest girl and I just don't have anything that I should be this grumpy about. :) So, I'm vowing to find the right side of the bed this week, to take a moment to savor all that I have, and to find the joy in each (soon to be fall) day.
Night all.
3 months ago
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