The 2010-2011 school year has officially begun!
There are lots of traditions tied to the back to school season in our house (seriously, what isn't a huge tradition for us? I swear I can turn just about anything into a tradition...) Anyway, the kids always spend the last week before school starts hanging out with Nana and Papa. And, this week always includes a shopping trip. And, since Miss Julia was in preschool, Nana and Papa have always bought her a '1st day of school dress'. (note the word dress here, it will become important in a minute)
So... as traditions go, Nana and Papa took the munchies shopping this week. Colin dreaded the shopping (okay, so something has happened in the last few months that suddenly I have a BOY! B-O-Y, boy and he hates all things shopping or anything that could possibly in any way be thought of as girly. He has also mastered farting with his hands and burping loudly.) but Julia was kinda excited. I wasn't on the trip, so I only know what happened second hand, but rumor is that Miss Julia and Nana had a great deal of fun picking out and trying on, and Papa got stuck trying to keep Colin happy. Julia came home with three (count them THREE) new tops, a pair of pants, and nooooo dress. (Sigh. She is growing up.) Colin came home with two new shirts that he basically could have cared less about. (Sigh. He is growing up.) The only downside was that Miss Julia and I decided that none of her current shoes would work with her new beautiful outfits (and this deserves a whole post or something of its own, but let's just say that I'm not signing up to take that girl shoe shopping again anytime soon!)
With the Nana and Papa shopping trip over, and Miss Julia with new shoes, we were ready for Meet the Teacher Night. Mr. Furedy had pick up duty from Nana and Papa's house as I was already at the school pitching in to help get everything ready (I am really blessed this year that one of the programs I work with has been housed at the school where my children attend. This makes nights like Meet the Teacher much easier because I can be there both professionally and as a mom without a ton of guilt.) Mr. Furedy and the kiddos arrived right on time... and they were so excited. Both of the kids were thrilled to find out who their teachers were (although Colin was a little upset when he found out that I've known who his teacher is for most of the summer and I didn't tell him! Ooops....).
Julia will be spending her 4th grade year with Miss Umina
(who is getting married in June... for those of you who are following this teacher saga- her 2nd grade teacher had twins, her 3rd grade teacher got married, and now her 4th grade teacher is getting married too... I'm starting to think that Julia is a good luck charm for her teachers!)
She will also return to GR with Ms. Munsinger.
(these two are like peas in a pod... look how they are even color coordinated!)
Colin will be spending his 2nd grade year with Mrs. Corbett.
(I think this is the cutest picture of the two of them....)
And, as always, once Meet the Teacher was over, we had dinner out. Just one more tradition.
The weekend between Meet the Teacher and school starting was great. Joe took Julia to a canyoneering class. Colin went to karate. We all went over to Nana and Papa's house to celebrate Nana's birthday with swimming, pizza and brownies (sugar free for the Nana of course!). We spent Sunday cleaning, organizing, doing laundry and some last minute shopping (Julia's teacher requested a betta fish as a class pet, so we got the pleasure of picking him out!).
Monday morning dawned bright and early and the kids were very excited. Here they are in the traditional, in front of the fountain poses...
Miss Julia Furedy- 9 years old- 4th grade
(BREAKING tradition by NOT wearing the same outfit on the first day as she did at Meet the Teacher- we decided those pants would just be toooo hot!)
Mr. Colin Furedy- 7 years old- 2nd grade
(Keeping the tradition of the same outfit, not that he really cared in the least....)
They are both growing and changing so fast.... I think this is really going to be a year of change for both of them. Here's to a great one! (and pray, please pray for their teachers!)
3 months ago
1 comment:
A couple years ago I couldn't get Ethan to go shopping for school for ANYTHING!!! So, I gave him the deal that he didn't have to come as long as he promised to like everything I picked out for him. Turns out I did pretty good! He loved them all (he needed a lot that year) and I think I even guessed right on the sizes (or close enough - boy). And the farting noised are just the beginning - I keep asking Lafe when they "outgrow" the silliness. His answer: never. Not helpful.
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