The kids headed up north to the Rim on Thursday with Nana and Papa in 'uses RV'. Joe and I worked Thursday and Friday and then headed up to join them on Friday night. (someday, a very long time from now, I may tell the story about our drive up there and our inability to locate my parents and the children, but it will be a very long time from now...)
We threw up our tent and then settled in for a few days of camping, fishing, hanging out, campfire building, bb gun shooting, bug catching, good eating... you know the routine... just a relaxing weekend in the outdoors. A fabulous time was had by all- we laughed and relaxed and just generally enjoyed another weekend of what is turning out to be one of the best summers of my life.
As I sat and watched my kiddos who (for lack of any other appropriate phrase) were having the time of their lives- I thought about the joy that my kids find in life- every aspect of it. I was thinking back to last weekend, a weekend spent at a fancy resort- playing at a water park and eating crabs legs (Julia's FAVORITE!). Fast forward to this weekend, a weekend in the woods- playing in the dirt and eating hot dogs (Colin's FAVORITE!). And you know what, my kids had an absolutely fabulous time at both places... in both worlds... doing both things. And I love that about my kids and about our family. Joe and I set out to raise kids who would really enjoy life... and so far, I think we've been very successful. I hope that as they grow older and as our lives continue to change that they continue to find joy and happiness in whatever they do, where ever they are.....
Another picture heavy post... but there are some GREAT shots that I just have to throw out there... enjoy.
Here's Papa and Colin off for a walk to explore....
Colin with his prize slingshot piece of wood .
(that unfortunately broke not long after this photo...)
The teaching continues... Papa sharing his knowledge of tracks, animals, bugs, etc with another generation.
Here are the prized BB guns that the kids got for Christmas.
They shot over 300 BBs this weekend...
(and NO, nobody shot their eye out....)
Julia even gave the Momma some BB shootin' lessons.
(She really is a good shot. Momma on the other hand....)
Here they are checking out their homemade target to see how they did.....
Colin showing how the BB pierces the target.
(and kills the boy.... silly silly boy!)
Julia showing off her BB talent... check out those rootbeer cans!
Colin so proud of the fire that he started....
The heroes of the trip... my kids LOVE their Nana and Papa. What would we do without them in our lives?
(Don't they look so happy in this picture?)
One of Colin's quests for this weekend was to saw down a tree. Joe helped him find a dead one. Everybody helped him saw it down....
Here's Daddy helping out a little bit....
(So... Papa and Daddy really sawed the tree down, but made Colin feel like he did it. Again, in case you missed it, Mr. Furedy and Papa are my heroes.)
My lumberjack!
Another great weekend over.... 9 summer weekends left. Stay tuned...
Night all.
3 months ago
FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!! We have the troops over here begging to go camping and I can't figure out a time to go! We'll have to get it in, though - I just LOVE camping!
Thanks for sharing. For the moment, I'll just live vicariously through you. Next weekend its Cathy and I to Lowe's Ventana Canyon with no kids. Woot!
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