Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Furedy

Mr. Furedy turned 37 on Sunday.

We were pretty low key with the birthday celebrating this year... the kids and I (and Grandma Paulette) took him to The Keg (a very favorite restaurant) for a quite yummy steak dinner on Saturday night.  His actual birthday was filled with a karate tournament for Colin, swimming, and taking a nap.  Oh, and folding laundry.  Poor guy!  But it was a good birthday none the less...

Mr. Furedy's 36th year was an eventful one.... from the beginning to the end.  It definitely had it's ups and it's downs, but in reflection, I think it was a pretty awesome year. Joe has always been a pretty easy going, reflective guy.  But I think this year has given him a new appreciation for  just enjoying this ride we call life by making the most of every day.  I know that this year we grew together as husband and wife, that Joe grew as a father, and we all learned a lot of lessons along the way. (oh, and Joe picked up a new, pretty cool scar too... I don't think he'll be forgetting year 36 anytime soon!)

Here's a few highlights from Year 36
(I know, another picture heavy post.  So sue me!).

Joe and Colin on his birthday, 2009.
Joe on our summer vacation in Colorado, white water rafting.
Joe and the kids at the Pointe South Mountain in August.
Joe in the hospital right before coming home- October.
Trademark Furedy Beard while recovering- October.
59th Annual Treasure Hunt- October.
New Year's Eve- Hanging with me during my recovery.
Magic Mountain with Colin- March.
Finally canyoneering again- March. 
(okay, this pic isn't from March, but hey, it's a pic of Joe in a canyon).

I look at these photos and I am amazed at the man that I see.  Even more amazed that I fell in love with him when he was 15 years old.  That was 22 years ago (just in case you couldn't do that math in your head).  And I love him more EVERY SINGLE DAY.  (I am not quite sure how that is possible, but I know it is true.  You'd think at some point there would be a limit or something... but not really.)

There is still more birthday celebrating to be done... Joe and I are heading off to Vegas this weekend, leaving our darling children (Sarcasm you say?  You hear sarcasm in that statement?) in the quite wonderful hands of their Grandma for a few days.  Should be a great trip... a chance to get away and reconnect.  (Some of you remember our last plan to get away and reconnect... remember that cruise we were going to take?  Well... we never quite got there, but Vegas... Vegas is going to be awesome.)

Happy Birthday Mr. Furedy.  Here's to year 37.  Thanks for spending the last 22 with me.  I am looking forward to year 23 with you....  I know it's going to be FABULOUS!
Night all...

1 comment:

Carroll Family said...

Happy Birthday, Joe!!!