So it seems that once again, I have neglected my blog for OVER A MONTH.
Sometimes I just don't know where time goes... seriously... the month of March just passed me by.... and I have nothing to show for it except some wonderful memories. And, I guess, that is the point of life eh? To have wonderful memories....
But, I told myself that I would keep the blog so that I would remember the memories for years to come and so that my kids could go back some day and read about their mommy's (sometime) crazy thoughts (okay, always crazy thoughts) about all that went on in our house while they were growing up.
It's gonna take me awhile to catch up, but ONE of the reasons (I have to be truthful that some of the other reasons were because I was being kinda lazy and really liking sleeping more than anything else) that I haven't posted lately is because I just couldn't find the time to sit down and do a LONGGGGG post that would catch everybody up from the last time I posted.
So, rather than continue to procrastinate, I decided that I really could (since it is my blog and I can just make up the rules as I go along...) just do a few short posts that would close the gap of the month we will call Total Madness, aka March.
March brought lots of great and fun times to the Furedy household... and I promise to fill you in on those... Joe's first canyoneering trip, a great Spring Break in California, my latest and greatest adventures into the world of exercise and dieting... (oh, and I have some February stuff to fill you in on, like Papa's retirement and some other important days...)
But today, my post is about the newest member of our extended family.... Cora Jane.
Many of you know that I have a niece (Asher) who is the same age as Colin and a nephew (Gundry) who is 5. I have posted about them before and how much I have enjoyed watching them grow and change... and what great friends they are to my kiddos- which I think is such an awesome thing.
And now, we have a new niece, who I am sure will quickly blend into the wonderful family mix of cousins!
Mike and Vanessa welcomed their beautiful daughter into their family at 9:33 in the evening on March 10th. (what a cool birthdate 3-10-10 I think I'll actually be able to remember that one!)
Cora Jane (AMAZING name isn't it? I just love love love her name) is a beautiful young lady. She's giving her mommy and daddy a real run for their money right now (if memory serves correctly this is what all babies do...) but I am sure that she'll have them trained (I know Julia and Colin worked hard to 'train' me) before we know it.
We got a chance to meet the darling girl on Saturday. Here are a few photos. Joe and I both enjoyed holding her and loving on her (and then giving her back to her parents to take home!). Julia enjoyed holding her as well. Colin, well... Colin might be interested when she can run around and communicate. :)
Welcome to our family Cora Jane. We are so happy that you arrived safely and are here for all of us to love and spoil. Be a good baby and let your parents sleep at least a little bit tonight- okay?
Night all. I'll be back soon (really this time... I promise!)
3 months ago
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