So I have a confession to make (are you prepared? sitting down?). We are probably the most un-American family out there because (I am warning you... you should sit down).... we do not watch the SuperBowl. I know, I know. You are now thinking that you need to stop reading this blog immediately and make sure that you delete your browser history just so no one knows that you EVER associated with our type.
Joe has never been that much into sports... and as for me... yeah. We are lucky that I know the difference between a basketball and a football. So, the desire to watch an entire game of football really isn't there. We don't watch football at all during the regular season... so we don't much see the point of watching it after the regular season. (In fact, Colin came home from school asking Joe and I who was playing in the SuperBowl this year and it took the two of us about 15 minutes to come up with the names of the teams...)
Then, there are the commercials. And truthfully, those little gems DREW us in to the game for a couple of years. See... since MOST normal (yeah, I know, again you cannot believe you are still reading this blog...) folks in our country DO watch the game... the commercials are SERIOUS water cooler fodder on Monday. And you know, we were trying to keep our little non-sports secret (ha ha, until this darn blog post) so we would watch the game for the commercials. (Well, watch the game might be a little bit of an overstatement... we would play a game or do something else and just watch the commercials... then with the advent of TiVo, we learned to record the game and just fast forward to see the commercials... totally backwards from our normal behavior.) But, over time, even this lost it's luster, and became not that important to us. See... the radio stations, the news stations, and the Internet all FULLY cover the commercials... so you can actually skip watching them and STILL know what folks are talking about on Monday morning (usually you even know enough to participate in the conversation).
Now, we have given in a few times in the past few years... occasionally we get invited to a party and we usually go to that because it is fun and our kids have a great time (and I usually still don't watch the game... I mean seriously, I sit in the kitchen and eat. Because there is NO better food than SuperBowl snacks). We watched the year that the Cardinals were in the game (because seriously, we would have definately gotten kicked out of the country for missing the SuperBowl when the hometown team was playing...) But, in general, we just don't watch.
So... what do we do? Well... here's a little known secret (and again, I'm blowing it on the blog!). You can get into basically ANY restaurant during the SuperBowl without waiting. You know that little bistro down the street that usually has a two hour wait? Yep, not during the Super Bowl. The new BBQ place that has only been open for a month and you haven't even been able to get near the door... yep.. no wait during the SuperBowl!
We chose Red Lobster this year. (I know, not TOO exciting, but...) The Red Lobster down the street from our house usually has up to a 2 hour wait on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. We have kids. We really don't wait to go to restaurants... 'cause that would be insane. I love Red Lobster when I am watching my caloric intake (because they have lots of grilled shrimp choices... which I can have!) and Miss Julia loves to eat there because they have crab legs on the kid's menu. So... Red Lobster it was. We walked right in, were seated right away, and got EXCELLENT service. It was nice. We lingered over dinner (hey, there was NOBODY waiting for our table...) and just had some great family time. I think we'll plan ahead more next year... I need to write down those restaurants that we usually can't get into as the year goes on, 'cause we really couldn't think of them today when it dawned on us that our dining opportunity had arrived again.
Now... (if you are still reading....) the only issue is this... I believe that we are raising a son who is sports 'challenged' due to his parents lack of Americanism. Anybody out there want to adopt Colin sometime so he can learn about football and be more of a part of society than his parents? Thanks. We appreciate your help!
I know this post is farewell to some of my followers. Please know I loved having you stop by, and if you can ever forgive me, I would love to have you back.
Night all.
3 months ago