It all started Friday night. After picking the kids up from school, running a quick errand AND cramming some dinner in them (Burger King- not anybody's favorite, but FAST and quick- so it met the criteria), we headed to Colin's first Karate Camp.
Colin's been going to Karate for about 8 months now. He seems to like it, and has been getting better and better. When they announced at the dojo (this is where he takes his Karate classes) that they were having a Spring Karate camp, I pretty much just ignored it, figuring he was too little. Then they announced that they really wanted everyone to attend Friday night- and they would greatly reduce the fee for the little kids to participate in just the Friday night class. I figured it couldn't hurt- and that Colin might really enjoy watching. He's learning a lot from his regular classes, so I didn't see how this longer class would be any different.
What I didn't know is what an AMAZING teacher Master Yaguchi (who was the leader of the camp) really is. This man was unbelievable. I think Colin learned more from him (and in very broken English, none the less...) in an hour and a half than he's learned in Karate so far. That's probably an exaggeration, but this man is one masterful teacher. My pics all turned out grainy (my camera DOES NOT like gyms or cafeterias- this is MCC by the way) but here's a photo of Colin. There were probably 120 people in this gym learning- from Master Yaguchi and from another guest Sensei Fields. Master Yaguchi spent this entire class with the beginngers- purple belt and below.
The weekend of excitement wasn't over though! Colin is a LEGO Brickmaster (this means he subscribes to their magazine- thanks Uncle Mike and Aunt Vanessa!). Several weeks ago we got a card in the mail saying that they were going to have a building event at the Chander Mall during the weekend of April 3rd. For three days, kids could come and help build a 9 foot tall pirate out of LEGOs. Colin was SO excited... he kept reminding me to put it on my calendar and not to forget.
So, Saturday we headed out to the Chandler mall, where Colin got his shot at building LEGOS with the professionals. It was really cool. They basically have all the kids build big bricks out of little LEGOs, which they then use just like one LEGO block to construct the big creation. The guys were great with Colin- I told them how much he had been looking forward to the whole thing and they spent a lot of time talking with him, and even let him hold the model they were using as the basis for the big creation.
Here he is building. He kept helping the poor lady standing next to him (who I have to believe had never handled a LEGO in her life. "First you put four in a line like this..."
The status of the pirate when we were there on Saturday. They had gotten pretty far....
Colin holding the scale model of the pirate. I wish my photo showed the three people standing around him making sure he didn't drop this thing....
Here are the guys trying to find LEGOs that could fill in for Colin's missing front teeth! So cute! Although Colin looks a bit freaked out in this photo! :)
Overall, a pretty good weekend for my little man. Karate and LEGOs- doesn't get much better than that!
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