Sunday, May 29, 2011


Another school year has ended.  And as always, there are mixed emotions (at least for the momma.)  On one hand, I am looking forward to the summer (and since we left on a short trip to spend some time with the cousins, Poohbah and Grandma Sherry on Friday we've kicked immediatly into summer mode in a very quick fashion this year). 

It's odd.  I still work in the summer (I do work less, that is for sure, but 4 days a week I am still getting up and heading into the office).  Joe works his regular schedule in the summer.  So, life changes, but at the same time it doesn't.  Regardless, summer brings about a whole change of attitude in the Furedy home.  We are more relaxed, mellow- life runs at such a different pace.  We love it.  All of us.  And we know it's fleeting, which I think makes us all cherish it just a little bit more.  I love it when I tuck my kids in on summer nights and they smell of sunscreen & chlorine & sunshine & watermelon... and that smell can just make me pause.  (a company should really try to capture that smell in a perfume, because I do believe they would make a million dollars) 

On the flip side, we do mourn just a little bit at the end of the school year.  The kids know that we are heading in to a summer where they won't see their friends very often.  We live SO far from school, and it really is a bummer for the kids (especially Julia who is getting to the age where friends are getting really important.)  The kids say good-bye to their teachers, which is always bittersweet.  This was especially hard for Julia this year because she had to say good-bye to Ms. Munzinger- her gifted teacher- who she has been with for the last two years.  Colin even had a hard time saying good-bye to his teacher this year... they had a really great relationship and I think he will really miss her.  There is also something about the structure of school that keeps us all moving- and sometimes- despite the joy of summer, we all (especially Julia and I) miss the routines of the school year.

But, such is the ebb and flow of our lives right now.... and I am trying hard to live in the moment and enjoy the right now... because as  I watch my kiddos I am only more and more aware of how fleeting these moments are... how quickly they are growning and how soon they will be gone.  If you think that isn't true... check out the photos below.  Here's a photo of my kiddos on the last day of school- last year compared to this year....

May, 2010

May 2011

Off to play some games, swim, pick Joshua Tree fruit (and avoid the horrific winds that have impeded our mini-vacation more than just a little bit)....  have a wonderful long weekend everyone, and here's to the best summer ever!

1 comment:

Cate said...

Summer pace is definitely different than school days pace. Our children grow up way too fast! My first baby is getting married this summer and my last baby enters kindergarten just a few days later. :-( Enjoy your summer!