Friday, June 11, 2010

Just a Momma

So, I got to be a Momma today.  I know that sounds silly.  I mean seriously, I have been a Momma since I dreamed of Miss Julia being in my tummy.... since Mr. Colin was merely a suggestion to Mr. Furedy.... but today, today I REALLY got to be a Momma.

Today, I got to be woken up by a little face peering over the side of my bed (rather than by an alarm clock screaming that it's time to get up, get up, get up).

I fixed breakfast to the sound of my little people chatting with me about the day (rather than throwing a bowl of cereal on the table to half asleep little people who are not coherent enough to speak yet).

I got ready to go by throwing on a pair of cut offs and a tank top, brushing my teeth and combing my hair (rather than the usual- blow dry, foundation, makeup, curling iron, professional clothes, high heel shoes routine).

We headed out the door in plenty of time to get to where we were going, just relaxed and moving at our own pace (rather than me yelling, yelling, yelling that if we don't go RIGHT NOW...).

I got to watch a whole movie (without falling asleep) with a certain little boy sitting on my lap, snuggled into my chest.  A little boy who happens to just barely fit in that spot anymore, but who isn't ready to give it up just yet.

I got to watch a certain little girl order and pay for her own food (all by herself) at a very busy Subway in the mall.  And I got to see just how proud she was of herself after she had done this.  She even told me that the food tasted better because she got it on her own (me thinks it will taste even better when she pays for it with her own money too, but for now, for now it is enough).

I got to go to the library and wander the shelves while my little people did the same.  I got to watch Mr. Colin 'test' books to see if he could  read them (and I got to be surprised when he was able to read several that I didn't think he'd be able to read... I think I'm in trouble with that one...)  I got to watch Miss Julia get sooo excited about the new books she chose and the fact that she will have something new to read ALL WEEK (all the while thinking about how much I loved the library at her age).

I got to spend time thinking about summer vacation and what we need to buy before we leave (and even started getting a few of those items, like a great new hoodie sweatshirt for those cool beach nights for Miss Julia for only $10 at Old Navy).

I got to exercise (and not feel guilty for not interacting with my kiddos for the 45 minutes that I was doing so, because we'd had so much good time together already during the day).

I got to PLAN, cook dinner, set the table, and generally have a complete meal done by the time that Mr. Furedy got home (rather than my usual routine of chucking something on the table as quick as I can- usually with a lot of help from the aforementioned Mr. Furedy).

I got to sing multiple songs from High School Musical into a Wii microphone, much to the pleasure of Miss Julia and the horror of Mr. Colin and Mr. Furedy.

I got to take the kids out swimming for half of an hour and just relax the whole time (rather than sitting out there worrying about all that needs to be done before bedtime).

And now, now I get to write this blog post before I head upstairs to listen to little man read, and challenge them both to a quick game of Mancala, before they both head off to sleep.  And then I'll get to hang out with my other favorite guy- Mr. Furedy (rather than instantly falling asleep myself).  

So yeah, got to be a Momma today.  Not an Assistant Director.  Not a MOM.  Just a Momma.  And it felt good....
Night all.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

From One Weekend to the Next....

The kids headed up north to the Rim on Thursday with Nana and Papa in 'uses RV'.  Joe and I worked Thursday and Friday and then headed up to join them on Friday night.  (someday, a very long time from now, I may tell the story about our drive up there and our inability to locate my parents and the children, but it will be a very long time from now...)

We threw up our tent and then settled in for a few days of camping, fishing, hanging out, campfire building, bb gun shooting, bug catching, good eating... you know the routine... just a relaxing weekend in the outdoors.  A fabulous time was had by all- we laughed and relaxed and just generally enjoyed another weekend of what is turning out to be one of the best summers of my life.

As I sat and watched my kiddos who (for lack of any other appropriate phrase) were having the time of their lives- I thought about the joy that my kids find in life- every aspect of it.  I was thinking back to last weekend, a weekend spent at a fancy resort- playing at a water park and eating crabs legs (Julia's FAVORITE!).  Fast forward to this weekend, a weekend in the woods- playing in the dirt and eating hot dogs (Colin's FAVORITE!).  And you know what, my kids had an absolutely fabulous time at both places... in both worlds... doing both things.  And I love that about my kids and about our family.  Joe and I set out to raise kids who would really enjoy life... and so far, I think we've been very successful.  I hope that as they grow older and as our lives continue to change that they continue to find joy and happiness in whatever they do, where ever they are.....

Another picture heavy post... but there are some GREAT shots that I just have to throw out there... enjoy.

Here's Papa and Colin off for a walk to explore....
Colin with his prize slingshot piece of wood .
(that unfortunately broke not long after this photo...)
The teaching continues... Papa sharing his knowledge of tracks, animals, bugs, etc with another generation.
Here are the prized BB guns that the kids got for Christmas. 
They shot over 300 BBs this weekend...
(and NO, nobody shot their eye out....)
Julia even gave the Momma some BB shootin' lessons.
(She really is a good shot.  Momma on the other hand....)
Here they are checking out their homemade target to see how they did.....
Colin showing how the BB pierces the target.
(and kills the boy.... silly silly boy!)
 Julia showing off her BB talent... check out those rootbeer cans!
 Colin so proud of the fire that he started....
The heroes of the trip... my kids LOVE their Nana and Papa.  What would we do without them in our lives?
(Don't they look so happy in this picture?)
One of Colin's quests for this weekend was to saw down a tree.  Joe helped him find a dead one.  Everybody helped him saw it down....
Here's Daddy helping out a little bit....
(So... Papa and Daddy really sawed the tree down, but made Colin feel like he did it.  Again, in case you missed it, Mr. Furedy and Papa are my heroes.)
My lumberjack!
Another great weekend over.... 9 summer weekends left.  Stay tuned...
Night all.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I've Fallen Off the Wagon...

So, for the last 8 weeks I have been awesome (seriously, rock awesome!) about exercising and eating right.  (Yes, I know, those of you who follow me on Facebook are tired of the 'I need to run.  I did run.  I should run."  posts... I am so sorry...) 

I have lost a total of 15 pounds and 4% body fat.  I have worked out harder and smarter than I have ever worked out before.   I have committed to a diet in a way that I never have before.  And I am more than halfway to where I would like to be (I'd like to lose 7 more pounds and 3% body fat).  I feel like I'm doing this the right way too... I've got a good food plan, I'm not working out crazy amounts- but I'm working out in a way that I think I can continue to do in a long term way.

But, in the last couple of days I have fallen off the wagon and I'm having a hard time climbing back on it again.....  it started off innocently enough... just one beverage that wasn't on the plan... one meal that wasn't on the plan.  (oh, and then there's the half of a bag of red licorice that I've eaten...)

One of the saddest things is that I wasn't even CRAVING stuff off of my food plan.  So, I know I can get back on track and do this.   Mostly, I feel tired and not motivated to exercise.  And, since most of my friends are now off work, several plans to go out and do fun things are looming and I know I'll want to 'take a break' on those evenings too.

I need to get re-motivated.  HELP!!  :)
Night all....