Thought it was time to take a moment and update you on the medical/ general status in the Furedy household...
Joe’s last (hopefully!) procedure is scheduled for December 29th. During this procedure they will go in to look at the vein and determine if any further steps are necessary- i.e. balloon, stint, vein repair. The doctor seems very optimistic that we will have a quick and positive outcome from this procedure. This will be done on an outpatient basis. Joe continues to go to physical therapy which is helping to reduce stiffness and increase his range of motion. His Coumadin level is finally back in the therapeutic range (still monitored with blood work weekly) and we are hoping that it will remain there! Once he has his next procedure we can start talking about taking him off of the Coumadin… which he is looking forward to!
On another front… I am going to have surgery on either December 14th or December 15th (we are waiting for the final scheduling from the hospital). I have been diagnosed with a condition called adenomyosis- which explains why the surgery earlier this year was not successful. The only cure for this condition is a hysterectomy. Joe and I debated for a long time about whether or not to do the surgery in this time frame, but we have decided that the best thing for our family is to just go for it, and leave all of our health issues in 2009. I will be in the hospital overnight, and will be off work for 3 to 4 weeks.
Our other medical update is that we have now all been vaccinated against the HINI as well as the seasonal flu, so we are hoping to be spared THAT little event! :)
On other fronts... Julia is OVER THE MOON excited about her birthday party which is taking place this Saturday at Gold Medal Swim School... she simply cannot wait. Colin is jealous (we do every other year for the birthday party, so he had a big party last year)... but knows that he will get his turn again next year... and is planning his family birthday celebration with a great deal of zeal!
Overall, both of the kids are really excited about their birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and all that comes with it. :) Ah.. to watch little ones around this time of year... nothing better! I am trying my hardest to stay ahead of schedule and get as much done ahead of time as I can so that we can make sure in the midst of all that is going on that we hang on to our holiday traditions... I think I am doing pretty well with this, but then I always think that...
Okay, this momma needs some sleep. Have a good night all...
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